Measure L

Orangeville Recreation and Park District Bond Measure

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Would authorize $24,000,000 of bonds at legal rates to improve parks and recreation for children, families, senior citizens, and residents; upgrade and replace outdated restrooms; renovate sixty-year-old Youth Center; make safety and security improvements; upgrade playgrounds; and improve trails. Measure L requires at least fifty-five percent (55%) of the vote in order to pass.

Fiscal Impact: The best estimate of the average annual tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue over the entire duration of the bond debt service is $15.42 per $100,000 of property valuation. It is currently expected that the final fiscal year in which it is anticipated that the tax will be collected is 2058-59. The best estimate of the total debt service, including the principal and interest, that would be required to be repaid if all the bonds are issued and sold is approximately $48,600,000.

Next Sacramento County Measure: Measure O



Supporters argue that Measure L upgrades and renovates outdated parks and facilities, expands recreational opportunities for local residents, children, families, and senior citizens, and maintains the quality of our community. While our parks and facilities have been well maintained over the years, they are old, with most being constructed decades ago. Youth Center Park, our oldest, was first constructed in 1948!  Please vote YES on Measure L to allow the Orangevale Recreation and Park District to improve its local parks and facilities.

A YES vote on this measure means: you want Orangeville Recreation and Park District to issue bonds to fund the improvement of parks and recreation for community members


No official argument against Measure L was submitted.

A NO vote on this measure means: you do not want Orangeville Recreation and Park District to issue these bonds.

In Depth

Measure L will authorize $24,000,000 of bonds for projects such as:

  • Upgrade and replace outdated and deteriorating restrooms and construct new restrooms including at under-served parks and nature areas.

  • Renovate 60-year-old Youth Center, which is used for after school programs for teens and children.

  • Renovate facilities which are used by all community members, including for summer camps, preschool programs, enrichment classes and senior programs.

  • Construct and/or improve pathways and trails for bicycles, equestrians and pedestrians. 

  • Upgrade existing playgrounds, construct new playgrounds, replace playground surfacing, and install new play and exercise equipment throughout the District.

  • Update amenities including new or improved seating, picnic tables, shade structures, and lighting.

  • Improve handicapped accessibility throughout the District and ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other similar laws and regulations.

  • Improve and/or build new soccer, baseball, and softball fields for community use. 

  • Add a spray park play area to the aquatic facility and build a skate park and/or bike track.

  • Expand, renovate, resurface, or replace parking lots.

  • Upgrade, improve, renovate and construct sport courts including pickleball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, and basketball courts.

Property tax will be levied in the amount of $15.42 per $100,000 of property valuation through fiscal year 2058-59. The best estimate of the total debt service, including the principal and interest, that would be required to be repaid if all the bonds are issued and sold is approximately $48,600,000.

Source: Impartial Analysis of Measure L

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