Measure T

City of Riverside Budget Process

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CITY OF RIVERSIDE—Would amend the Charter of the City of Riverside: to eliminate the requirement that the adopted budget be placed in all public libraries in the City; to eliminate the requirement that the budget be reproduced and copies made available for the use of departments, offices, and agencies of the City other than on the City website; and to clarify that "City Council approved" capital projects "and funding," among other minor changes. Measure T requires simple majority (50% + 1) to pass.

Fiscal Impact: Would reduce the reproduction and distribution costs of placing physical copies of the adopted budget in all public libraries and providing copies for use by City Departments, offices, and agencies, while the remaining amendments would have no fiscal impact.



No argument in favor of Measure S has been submitted.

A YES vote on this measure means: The Charter of the City of Riverside would be amended to make the changes included in the measure.


No argument in opposition to Measure S has been submitted.

A NO vote on this measure means: The Charter of the City of Riverside would not be amended to make the changes included in the measure.

In Depth
In Depth:

If approved by voters, Measure T would amend the Riverside City Charter to:

  • Eliminate the requirement in Section 1103 that copies of the City’s adopted budget be placed in all public libraries in the City and be reproduced for City departments, offices, and agencies.
  • Specify in Section 1104 that appropriations for “City Council approved” capital projects shall not lapse at the end of each fiscal year. Currently, Riverside City Charter Section 1104 states an exception to the requirement that all appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year for “appropriations for capital projects”.
  • Specify in Section 1111 that both a City Council approved project “and funding” shall not lapse at the end of each fiscal year and would carry over to completion, consistent with current practices.
  • Add the word “transparent” to the first paragraph of the Preamble, to state: “We, the people of the City of Riverside believe in promoting an inclusive community with shared economic, environmental and cultural prosperity, equal civil and political rights, social harmony and cohesion, and opportunities for all governed by responsible and responsive public officials who promote citizen participation, as well as just, transparent and equitable tax and financial policies; and these beliefs are rooted in our desire to enhance the uniqueness of the City of Riverside.”
  • Replace the word “citizen” in Section 411 with the word “person” to state: “Each person shall have the right, personally or through counsel, to present comments at any regular meeting of the Council, or a Council standing or ad hoc committee, or offer suggestions with respect to municipal affairs.”

Source: City Attorney's Impartial Analysis of Measure T

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