Proposition 47

Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties.

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Proposition 47 would alter the law by requiring misdemeanor sentences instead of felonies for certain nonserious crimes. Persons now serving felony sentences for these crimes would be resentenced unless court can articulate unreasonable safety risks. Persons with a previous conviction for violent crimes such as rape, murder, or child molestation would receive felony sentences.

Proposition 47 is an initiative statute.

Official Election Results

Yes votes: 4,238,156 [59.6%]

No votes: 2,871,943 [40.4%]



Supporters contend that Proposition 47 will focus law enforcement resources on violent and serious crimes. They say it will bring funds to crime prevention, education, and treatment. They contend it will increase public safety by freeing up police to focus on dangerous criminals. 

Californians for Safe Neighborhoods and Schools


Opponents say that Proposition 47 is a radical measure which will release 10,000 criminals, many of whom have violent histories. They claim that serious crimes like stealing a gun would be changed to misdemeanors under the measure. They say the measure will overcrowd jails with violent criminals who should be in state prison. 

California Police Chiefs Association

Crime Victims United 

In Depth

Proposition 47 would change how offenders are sentenced for some nonserious and nonviolent crimes. Offenders who have been previously convicted of such crimes could apply for reduced sentences. Specifically, sentencing for these crimes would change under the measure:

  • Grand Theft: Currently, theft of certain kinds of property or an offender's criminal history can lead to charges of grand theft for theft of property valued at $950 or more.  Under Prop. 47, these crimes would now automatically be considered petty theft. 
  • Shoplifting: Currently, shoplifting property worth $950 or less can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony burglary. Under the measure, all such crimes would be considered a misdemeanor. 
  • Receiving Stolen Goods: When offenders are found guilty of receiving stolen property worth $950 or less, they can charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Under Prop. 47, all such crimes would be considered a misdemeanor. 
  • Check Forgery and Writing Bad Checks: Currently, forging or writing a bad check is generally considered a misdemeanor unless it is for an amount of $450 or higher, or if the offender has
    previously committed a crime related to forgery. Under the measure, forging a bad check would always be a misdemeanor for amounts $950 or less.  
  • Drug Possession: Proposition 47 would make possession of most illegal drugs a misdemeanor. Currently, some drug possession can be considered a felony depending on the amount of the drug and the type of the drug. 

Any savings accrued from the measure would go towards crime prevention and treatment. Specifically, 65 percent would go towards mental health and drug abuse treatment programs. 25 percent would be used for grants aimed at truancy reduction and dropout prevention among K-12 students. Finally, 10 percent would go to victim services grants. There could be a numerous fiscal effects to state and local governments from the passage of this measure depending on how it is implemented. 



Field Poll #2490, October 31, 2014
Voters continue to support another statewide ballot initiative, Proposition 47, the Criminal Sentences initiative. The poll finds 51% of likely voters on the Yes side, 23% opposed and 26% undecided.

Voter Resources
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Prop 47 helps women put their lives back together
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YES on Prop 47
YES on Prop 47
 Vote Yes on Prop 47
Vote Yes on Prop 47
Vote Yes on Prop 47
Vote Yes on Prop 47
Dionne's Prop 47 Hearing Testimony HR
Dionne's Prop 47 Hearing Testimony HR
Pro Prop 47!
Pro Prop 47!
47for47 - Day 19
47for47 - Day 19
Proposition 47: Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties
Proposition 47: Criminal Sentences. Misdemeanor Penalties
Prop 47 - Criminal Sentencing
Prop 47 - Criminal Sentencing
Prop 47 - Sentencias Criminales
Prop 47 - Sentencias Criminales
Proposition 47: Criminal Sentencing (California 2014 Midterm Election)
Proposition 47: Criminal Sentencing (California 2014 Midterm Election)
PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government
PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government
Is Cali's Three-Strikes Law Out? | TakePart Live
Is Cali's Three-Strikes Law Out? | TakePart Live
KQED NEWSROOM: Criminal Justice on the Ballot, Kairos 50, Livable Tiny Homes
KQED NEWSROOM: Criminal Justice on the Ballot, Kairos 50, Livable Tiny Homes
Pros And Cons Of California's Prop 47
Pros And Cons Of California's Prop 47
Prop 47: Criminal Sentences
Prop 47: Criminal Sentences
Vote NO! on Prop 47! (Date Rape)
Vote NO! on Prop 47! (Date Rape)
My views on California's prop 47 - Bad IDEA
My views on California's prop 47 - Bad IDEA
Vote No! on Prop 47! (Guns)
Vote No! on Prop 47! (Guns)
Prop 47 business
Prop 47 business
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