Proposition 60

Adult Films. Condoms. Health Requirements. Initiative Statute.

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Requires adult film performers to use condoms during filming of sexual intercourse. Requires producers to pay for performer vaccinations, testing, and medical examinations. Requires producers to post condom requirement at film sites. Fiscal Impact: Likely reduction of state and local tax revenues of several million dollars annually. Increased state spending that could exceed $1 million annually on regulation, partially offset by new fees.

Semi-Official Election Results:

Yes votes: 3,877,381 [46.1%]

No votes: 4,538,814 [53.9%]



Proponents of Proposition 60 believe the measure will help protect adult film workers from sexually transmitted diseases. They claim that the producers of many adult films do not provide appropriate protection during filming and this measure will hold them accountable. 

Vote Yes on Prop. 60
Vote Yes on Prop. 60 Twitter

Opponents of Proposition 60 claim the measure is poorly written and would lead to many lawsuits. They claim the measure will cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year.

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Video Voter - A Guide to California’s Ballot Measures. Rose Institute of State and Local Government at Claremont McKenna College

Project for an Informed Electorate Initiative Explainer videos, California State University, Sacramento


Yes on Prop. 60
Yes on Prop. 60
KCET Props in a Minute: Prop 60 - Condoms
KCET Props in a Minute: Prop 60 - Condoms
Claremont McKenna College Video Voter - Prop. 60: Condoms in Adult Films
Claremont McKenna College Video Voter - Prop. 60: Condoms in Adult Films
Sacramento State - Project for an Informed Electorate - Prop 60
Sacramento State - Project for an Informed Electorate - Prop 60
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