Measure PB

Pasadena City Council Meetings

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Would change the role, length of term, and timing of selection for the Vice Mayor position, and create an Acting Mayor position for Mayoral vacancies. Measure PB requires approval of a majority of voters.

Fiscal Impact: Measure PB will have small administrative costs associated with the measure as it updates guidelines and establishes new processes.

Next Los Angeles County Measure: Measure PC



A YES vote on this measure will amend the Charter.


A NO vote on this measure will not amend the Charter.

In Depth

On July 29, 2024, the City Council of the City of Pasadena approved the submission of amendments to the Charter of the City of Pasadena for voter approval at the November 5, 2024 primary election to create a process for a vacancy appointment to the office of Mayor, and to amend the process for appointment to the position of Vice Mayor.

The Charter currently requires the City Council to hold its organizational meeting every two years, on the fifth Monday following the statewide general election. At its organizational meeting, the City Council is required to select from among its members a Vice Mayor who would exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Mayor during the Mayor’s absence or disability. 

The Charter currently provides that if a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, the Vice Mayor assumes the Mayor’s duties until the next general election.  

The Charter establishes the office of Mayor and seven Councilmembers, which composes an eight-member City Council.  The Charter currently provides that no action of the City Council is valid unless it receives the affirmative vote of five members. 

If passed, Measure PB would require the City Council’s organizational meeting to be held every year, in December.  The measure would also require the City Council to elect a Vice Mayor every year, at the City Council’s organizational meeting. 

If a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, Measure PB would require the City Council to select an Acting Mayor from among the remaining members of the City Council.  Measure PB would provide that the Acting Mayor would not relinquish their Council Member seat to serve as Acting Mayor.  The measure would require the Acting Mayor to assume the Mayor’s duties until the next primary election if a candidate for Mayor receives over 50 percent of the vote, or, if not, until the next general election. While an Acting Mayor is serving due to the Mayoral vacancy, Measure PB provides that no action of the City Council is valid unless it receives the affirmative vote of four (instead of five) members. 

Source: Measure PB Impartial Analysis

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