Measure PSK

Santa Monica Parking Facility Tax Use Advisory

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If Measure K is enacted, should at least half of the additional revenue raised be used to protect public safety in Santa Monica, including attracting and retaining well-trained police officers and firefighters, improving crime and homelessness prevention services, and increasing police patrols and enhancing emergency medical response in neighborhoods and public areas, including downtown, the pier, and the beach. Measure PSK requires a majority vote, and only goes into effect if Measure K is enacted. 

Fiscal Impact: Staff estimates that an 8% tax increase would generate approximately $6.7 million in additional annual General Fund revenues. Therefore, Measure PSK would allocate approximately $3.35 million to protect public safety in Santa Monica.

Next Los Angeles County Measure: Measure PL



Supporters argue that Measure PSK works in combination with Measure K. This one directs the city to prioritize spending new revenues on supporting and improving public safety in Santa Monica – BUT IT ONLY HAPPENS IF MEASURE K PASSES.

Measure PSK will make sure this money is directed towards:

  • Attracting and retaining well-trained police officers and firefighters

  • Improving crime and homelessness prevention services

  • Increasing police patrols and emergency mental health resources in our neighborhoods and public areas, including our parks, downtown, pier, and beach

  • Investing in faster 911 emergency response from firefighters/paramedics and police when you need them 

A YES vote on this measure means that you support allocating half of the funds from Measure K to improving public safety.


No official argument against Measure K was submitted.

A NO vote on this measure means that you oppose allocating half of the funds from Measure K to improving public safety.

In Depth

Measure PSK is an advisory measure placed on the ballot by the Santa Monica City Council (“City Council”).  It relates to, but is separate and independent from, the “2024 Parking Facility Tax Measure” that is on the same ballot (the “Parking Facility Tax Measure”).  If passed, the Parking Facility Tax Measure would raise the City’s Parking Facility Tax rate to 18% except at City-owned lots and structures which will remain at the existing 10% tax rate because of a partial exemption.  A separate impartial analysis has been prepared for the Parking Facility Tax Measure. 

Measure PSK is an advisory vote that allows voters to provide advice to the City Council on how voters prefer half of the additional parking facility tax revenues to be used if the voters approve the Parking Facility Tax Measure. Specifically, this advisory measure asks whether half of any increased parking facility tax revenue from the Parking Facility Tax Measure should be used to protect public safety in Santa Monica, including attracting and retaining well-trained police officers and firefighters, improving crime and homelessness prevention services, and increasing police patrols and enhancing emergency medical response in neighborhoods and public areas, including downtown, the pier, and the beach.  It is anticipated that the Parking Facility Tax Measure, if approved by the voters, would raise additional tax revenue of approximately $6,700,000 annually. 

Because Measure PSK is an advisory vote, its passage would not legally require the City Council to expend the revenues in any particular way. Instead, the advisory measure would supply information to the City Council about how the voters prefer any additional parking facility tax revenues to be spent.  If Measure PSK passes but the Parking Facility Tax Measure does not, there will be no change to existing policy, and this advisory measure is moot.  

Source: City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis of Measure PSK

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