Measure HH

Los Angeles City Governance, Appointments, and Elections

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Would amend the City Charter to require that commission appointees file financial disclosures before they can be confirmed; clarify the Controller’s auditing authority regarding City contractors; expand the City Attorney’s subpoena power; authorize temporary appointments to certain general manager positions; establish a process to evaluate the impacts of laws proposed by initiative petition; and make other changes and clarifications regarding City governance, appointments, and elections. Measure HH requires 50%+1 of the vote in order to pass.

Fiscal Impact: This measure does not require the appropriation of funds to implement the changes, however, the clarification of roles, establishment of procedures, and the expansion of subpoena powers for the City Attorney may increase the workload of various City departments which may or may not be absorbed within existing resources. At this time, there is insufficient information to determine a cost to any of the impacted departments.

Next Los Angeles County Measure: Measure II



Supporters argue that ​​Measure HH gets rid of outdated language in the City Charter, closes ethical loopholes, and provides for some much-needed reforms to the City’s governance. It will give the City Attorney the power to subpoena witnesses and compel disclosure of evidence, give the City Controller the authority to access the financial records and personnel, and prohibit the Council from approving any appointment to a city commission until the nominee’s financial disclosure statements have been presented to the Ethics Commission.

A YES vote on this measure means you are in favor of changing City Charter language to better define positions, and access.


No official argument against Measure HH was submitted.

A NO vote on this measure means you are against changing City Charter language to better define positions, and access.

In Depth

The measure would amend the City Charter to make various changes and clarifications regarding City governance, appointments, and elections, including the following:

  • Allow a City Council member to serve on the board of a joint powers authority if they do not receive compensation for that service;

  • Clarify City Council voting rules regarding disapproval of a proposed action;

  • Clarify the City Controller’s auditing authority to access the records and personnel of contractors and subcontractors that receive or manage City funds;

  • Expand the City Attorney’s subpoena power to include the authority to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and affirmations, and require the production of records in the course of investigating violations of State or local law, but not include the power to investigate City offices, departments, officers, or employees;=

  • Delete obsolete language regarding City election dates;

  • Clarify signature gathering timeframes and deadlines for initiative petitions;

  • Provide a process and timeframe for City offices and departments to report on the impacts of an ordinance proposed by an initiative or referendum petition before City Council decides to adopt or repeal the ordinance, or submit it to the voters;

  • Allow a proponent to withdraw a referendum petition;

  • Require that a City board or commission appointee file financial disclosure statements with the Ethics Commission and submit the disclosures to the City Council before the appointee can be confirmed by the City Council;

  • Require that two members of the Board of Harbor Commissioners reside within the Harbor area, one from the community of San Pedro and one from the community of Wilmington;

  • Establish a method for appointing a temporary executive director of the Office of Public Accountability in case of a vacancy; and

  • Establish a method for appointing a temporary general manager of a pension or retirement system in case of a vacancy. 

Source: Measure HH Impartial Analysis 

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