Measure PC

Pasadena Mayor and City Council Term Limits

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 Would implement Term Limits for the Mayor and members of the City Council. Measure PC requires approval of a majority of voters. 

Fiscal Impact: Measure PC will have small administrative costs associated with the measure as it updates guidelines and establishes new processes.



A YES vote on this measure will establish term limits for the office of Mayor and Council members.


A NO vote on this measure means you are in favor of the current system of having no term limits for the office of Mayor and Councilmember.

In Depth

On July 29, 2024, the Pasadena City Council approved the submission of amendments to the Pasadena City Charter for voter approval at the November 5, 2024 general election to impose term limits for the office of Mayor or Councilmember. 

The City of Pasadena does not currently impose term limits on the offices of Mayor or Councilmember. California law requires voter approval of any local law to enact term limits. 

If passed, Measure PC would establish term limits of no more than three consecutive terms of office for the Mayor and, separately, no more than three consecutive terms as a Council Member in an elected Council District.  Measure PC would also require at least a four-year hiatus, or break, from the elected office held following three consecutive terms in the same office, before a person could serve an additional two terms in that same office. This would allow for a lifetime limit of five terms in the office of Mayor and, separately, a limit of five terms in the office of Councilmember in an elected Council District. Any term of elected office of two years or more is considered a full term, for purposes of the measure. 

Measure PC would only apply to terms of office that begin after January 1, 2025. 

Source: Measure PC Impartial Analysis

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