Measure K

Santa Monica Increase to Parking Facility Tax

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Would enhance public safety, create safe routes to school to protect children, lower the risk of fatal traffic accidents, and maintain other essential city services, shall the measure increasing the City of Santa Monica Parking Facility Tax by 8% for users including visitors and tourists, causing no additional cost in City-owned lots and structures (including downtown and the beach) because of a partial City exemption, generating approximately $6,700,000 annually until ended by voters. Measure K requires 50%+1 of the vote in order to pass.

Fiscal Impact: Measure K is estimated to generate incremental new revenues of approximately $6.7 million annually for the City’s General Fund.

Next Los Angeles County Measure: Measure PSK



Supporters argue that there’s nowhere like Santa Monica. We have beautiful neighborhoods with locally-owned small businesses, access to world-class beaches, some of California’s best schools, and an unmatched quality of life. 

Unfortunately, so many people like to come enjoy our city that we do sometimes experience safety issues, including property crimes, assaults, and fatal traffic accidents.

Measure K is a solution where people visiting from out of town will pay a little more for parking in order to help us maintain and improve neighborhood safety by investing in our emergency first responders and making our streets and sidewalks safer for children, seniors, and disabled residents.

A YES vote on this measure means you support increasing the City of Santa Monica Parking Facility Tax to enhance public safety and services.


No official argument against Measure K was submitted.

A NO vote on this measure means you oppose increasing the City of Santa Monica Parking Facility Tax to enhance public safety and services.

In Depth

The Measure would adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 6.70 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code to increase the City’s Parking Facility Tax, which is currently at 10%.  

The City’s Parking Facility Tax is imposed on parking fees charged by a parking facility operator.  The City’s Parking Facility Tax does not apply to street parking meters owned or operated by the City, preferential parking permits, or parking fees paid as part of a lease or rental agreement for stays exceeding thirty consecutive days.   

The Measure increases the Parking Facility Tax rate an additional 8%. If approved by the voters, the resulting Parking Facility Tax rate will be 18%.  The Measure includes a partial exemption on City-owned Parking Facilities.  Because of this partial exemption, the Measure will not increase the cost to park in City-owned lots and structures, whether located downtown, at the beach, or otherwise.  If the Measure is adopted, the Parking Facility Tax rate at City-owned lots and structures will remain at the existing 10% tax rate.  

The Measure is estimated to generate additional revenue of approximately $6,700,000 annually. If the Measure passes, the new tax rate and other changes will be effective January 1, 2025, and will remain in effect until ended by voters.  

This tax is a “general tax,” and the City may use the tax revenue for any governmental purpose.

Source: City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis of Measure K

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