Measure II

Los Angeles City Administration and Operations

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Would amend the City Charter to clarify that the El Pueblo Monument and the Zoo are park property; clarify that departments may sell merchandise to support City operations; include gender identity in non-discrimination rules applicable to employment by the City; clarify the Airport Commission’s authority to establish fees and regulations; and make other changes and clarifications related to City administration and operations. Measure II requires 50%+1 of the vote in order to pass.

Fiscal Impact: This measure does not require the appropriation of funds to implement the changes, however, departments selling merchandise or setting fees and regulations may require additional resources to support the generation and collection of revenues. At this time, there is insufficient information to determine a cost to any of the impacted departments nor revenue amounts that may be generated from formalizing existing practices.

Next Los Angeles County Measure: Measure LL



Supporters argue that Measure II updates the City Charter to make City services more efficient, transparent and accountable.  Over the last year, the City Council’s Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform asked the management of all City departments to submit suggestions on how the City Charter could be brought up to date to improve provision of services. Many of their suggestions were technical fixes to Charter language that are included in this amendment.  Others will make tangible improvements in public services.

A YES vote on this measure means you are in favor of amending the City Charter to clarify City administrative issues and operational roles.


No official argument against Measure II was submitted

A NO vote on this measure means you are against amending the City Charter to clarify City administrative issues and operational roles.

In Depth

The measure would amend the City Charter to make various changes and clarifications regarding City Administration and operations, including the following:

  • Clarify explicitly that departments are able to engage in revenue generating concession activities, such as selling merchandise or food, to raise funds that support department operations;

  • Include gender identity and gender expression in the Charter section regarding non-discrimination in City employment;

  • Change the name of the “Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services” and the “Office of Administrative and Research Services” to the “City Administrative Officer” and “Office of the City Administrative Officer” in various Charter sections to be consistent with current practice. This change does not otherwise modify the affected Charter sections;

  • Clarify that each City office and department, including the Departments of Library and Recreation and Parks, has the authority to expend funds appropriated for its support during the ensuing fiscal year in accordance with the rules provided by the Charter, ordinances, and other applicable law;

  • Clarify that an inspection of the rules and regulations of the Office of Zoning Administration shall be available in accordance with the California Public Records Act;

  • Allow the Department of Recreation and Parks to lease sites to the Los Angeles Unified School District for the construction and maintenance of public buildings consistent with public park purposes;

  • Clarify explicitly that El Pueblo Historical Monument and the Los Angeles Zoo remain dedicated park property even after being removed from the control of the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners;

  • Allow the use of an alternate title for a general manager of the Harbor Department, the Department of Airports, and the Department of Water and Power;

  • Clarify that electronic signatures may be used in connection with revenue bonds issued by the Harbor Department, the Department of Airports, and the Department of Water and Power;

  • Clarify the Board of Airport Commissioners’ ability to establish fees, rules, and regulations for the use of and access to airport property by commercial and private owners for aeronautical and ground transportation purposes;

  • Allow the use of the term “Los Angeles World Airports” as an official name of the Department of Airports;

  • Provide flexibility regarding the official responsible for providing notice of civil service examinations to allow for posting on the Personnel Department’s website and social media; and

  • Clarify that civil service certifications may be utilized concurrently by multiple departments.

Source: Measure II Impartial Analysis

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