Measure N

Berkeley Low-Income Housing

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CITY OF BERKELEY—Would empower any federal, state or local public entity to develop, construct or acquire an additional 3,000 units of low-rent housing in the City of Berkeley for persons of low income, but does not approve specific housing projects or commit City funds to any housing project. Measure N requires a simple majority (50% + 1) to pass.

Fiscal Impact: The financial implications of any specific housing project depends on the particular method of financing of that project, therefore, the financial implications are unknown at this time.

Next Alameda County Measure: Measure Q



Proponents of Measure N argue that housing is a human right, yet our community faces a critical shortage of homes affordable to seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans, students, and working families. They argue Measure N authorizes Berkeley to support the development or acquisition of an additional 3,000 units of low-income housing, enabling the City to meet State housing requirements and continue our successful efforts to address Berkeley’s critical shortage of affordable homes.

A YES vote on this measure means: The City of Berkeley would be authorized to develop, construct or acquire up to 3,000 units of low-income housing.


Opponents of Measure N argue that it is the wrong way to create much needed affordable housing in Berkeley because it involves long-term indebtedness and higher costs for civic services. They argue that corporate landlords with 3,000 low-income units will create more cost burdens to schools, parks, libraries, Fire Dept and EMT.

A NO vote on this measure means: The City of Berkeley would not be authorized to develop, construct or acquire up to 3,000 units of low-income housing.

In Depth

Article XXXIV of the California Constitution requires that a City’s voters grant prior approval before any federal, state or local public entity can develop, construct or acquire certain types of low rent (below market rate) housing projects in that City. Berkeley citizens have voted to approve the development of 200 units of housing for low income persons in 1977, 300 units in 1981, 500 units in 2000, and 500 units in 2016.

Since 2016, 242 units of housing subject to Article XXXIV has been developed in the City, and the City is anticipating the construction of a significant number of additional units in the next few years. Thus, additional voter authorization is required in order to develop additional units which are subject to Article XXXIV referendum requirements.

The proposed measure would authorize any public entity to develop, construct or acquire an additional 3,000 units of low income housing in the City of Berkeley for low income persons.

This measure grants only general authority for units to be developed, constructed or acquired and does not approve any individual project. All projects subject to this grant of authority would be required to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws including land use, housing and building requirements.

Source: City Attorney's Impartial Analysis of Measure N

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